The Stanbroke Story

A premium supplier of Australian beef

We’re dedicated to delivering the finest quality beef to customers worldwide.

With a proud family heritage, we have established ourselves as a premium supplier of Australian beef, renowned for its superior taste, tenderness and quality.

At Stanbroke, we take pride in owning and managing each step of the beef production process. From our expansive cattle stations in the Gulf region of northern Queensland, to our state-of-the-art processing plant in the Lockyer Valley, we ensure every cut of beef meets the highest standards.

Delivering the best Australian beef to tables around the world

Our beef is exported to over 35 countries, including South-East Asia, China, Japan, Korea, the Middle East. Our global sales team maintains strong relationships with key distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and restaurants, ensuring that our beef is accessible in key markets worldwide.

Retail brands

Diamantina Logo

Premium Australian beef for every table

Foodservice brands

Outstanding beef from the true north

Heritage Brands

Premium Australian beef for every table

Our Showcase Venues

Our premier showcase butcher

Our showcase restaurant

Over 1.2 million hectares of prime grazing country

Stanbroke owns 6 cattle stations in the gulf region in northern Queensland, Australia. This prime agricultural land is free of contaminants and void of interference from human intervention. The arrival of annual monsoons feed these vast tracts of fertile land, producing lush rich pastures of Flinders and Mitchell grasses, and it is here that our 200,000 head of cattle graze. This region is so well suited to our operations, some of our stations have been breeding cattle for more than 150 years.

Meticulous standards in animal welfare

Stanbroke follows world-leading animal welfare practices, ensuring our cattle are always treated humanely and respectfully.

Across our vast and pristine stations cattle roam freely in their natural environment, feeding on natural grasses and interacting with their surrounds.

At our state of the art feedlot we employ best practices to handle our cattle to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere. This includes housing cattle comfortably and providing shelter from the weather and only using horses and people within the feedlot to move cattle.

A global leader in beef

We’ve mastered every aspect of the beef production process, from pasture to plate, ensuring that only the finest cuts reach our customers worldwide.